Travel Your Dream Destinations Almost Free

Traveling free is a dream of millions. Travel lovers love to explore the world, but the issue is that their dream is expensive. These are not the old days when all you need to travel was a horse. Now you have to pay for everything. But there are some tricks which may enable you to travel for free. You can even travel on a cruise ship for free but don’t ever forget to get travel insurance even if you are traveling free. And if you have a rich friend with a boat, you can even go for lainaa veneeseen option.

Work in Cruise Ship

If you want to enjoy traveling on cruise ship and you don’t have money, you can offer them your services. You can work as a cook, as a guitarist, or you can offer other services. After 8 hours working and 6 hours of sleep, you will still have 10 hours to enjoy your cruise ship travel. Not a bad deal for a travel lover when the dream is coming true.


Most of the people easily offer their rooms or couch to travelers. You can stay with them for a night or two for free. They won’t demand anything in return, but it’s better if you have a strong profile and you are good at talking to strangers. If you keep them entertained with interesting gossip, you can get more time to stay at their house for free. Andi if you can cook or can do something for them, they would love to offer you more time to stay.

Use Miles and Points

Most of the companies like Credit Card companies and Airlines offer points when you use their services. You can collect these points and when you find out that you have enough points to utilize them for a free journey, just plan a trip and enjoy your vacations at a remote location using these miles and points.

Hose Swap

If you have a house at a good location in a city which is also a tourists’ favorite, then you are lucky. You can offer house swapping to the people coming to your city, and in return you can travel to their city and use their house to stay for free. You will be saving good cost in that way because you won’t be paying for room and food.  Be sure to check out Newquay cottages as a great option. 

Become a Guide

You might be amazed at this idea that how can you become a guide for a place you have never visited. Well, I’m telling my personal experience. I visited various places for the first time, but I offered a group of people my services as a guide. I was able to do that because before traveling I searched a lot about that location, its history and also views the pictures and videos. Now say thanks to Google Maps where you can also find virtual tour facility which gives you 360-degree view, and you can actually explore the location without going there. In this way you can easily offer the services as a guide, and you can earn some extra cash as well.