11 Tips & Hacks For Getting The Best Freight Shipping Rates

Freight shipping serves as the backbone of your business particularly if you are working with customers and suppliers overseas. However, the cost of shipping can also significantly increase your expenses and eat on your profits!

This is why one of the best ways to stay competitive and maximize your profits is to find your way around lowering freight shipping rates. Well, this article delves into a comprehensive guide of tips and hacks that your business can employ to secure the best freight shipping rates. Let’s get right into it:

Leverage Technology and Data Analytics

Data is one of the most valuable tools you can have in your arsenal as a business today. It would be a great idea to utilize advanced freight management software to analyze shipping patterns, volume, and carriers’ performance. This data-driven approach allows you to negotiate better rates based on actual shipping needs and provides insights into areas of potential cost reduction.

Consolidate Shipments

Another hack you can use is to combine smaller shipments into larger ones whenever possible. Larger, consolidated shipments usually attract more favorable rates from freight carriers because they reduce handling and administrative costs. In addition to saving on shipping expenses, you will also minimize your carbon footprint.

Embrace Flexible Packaging and Loading

If you are shipping bulky items, it would be wise to utilize space more efficiently. Flexible packaging reduces the need for extra containers or weight charges, leading to better rates. Additionally, proper loading techniques, such as using interlocking cargo and maximizing container capacity, can lead to lower costs per unit shipped.

Negotiate with Freight Carriers

Negotiation is an excellent tactic to employ when dealing with freight carriers. Ensure you leverage your shipping data to showcase your volume and potential for growth. Once the carrier takes a look at the figures, you will have a higher chance of securing a more favorable rate. Amicable long-term contracts or partnerships can also lead to discounted rates and added benefits.

Explore Multiple Carriers

It wouldn’t be wise to limit yourself to a single carrier. Ensure you investigate and compare rates from multiple carriers to identify the best deals for different shipping routes and cargo types. Remember, competition among carriers can work to your advantage, providing leverage for negotiation.

Work With a Reputable Custom Broker

You can also work with a top customs broker to help you with matters of customs clearance and compliance. A good customs broker will offer top-rated import brokerage services including properly classifying goods and identifying opportunities for duty and tariff reduction or exemption. This will certainly help your business to lower the customs duties and taxes which in turn lowers your freight charges.

They will also help you avoid delays in customs clearance that can lead to storage fees, demurrage charges, and missed delivery windows, all of which can contribute to higher shipping costs.

Consider Intermodal Shipping

Intermodal transportation involves using a combination of transportation modes, such as rail, truck, and sea. The main goal of intermodal shipping is to optimize cost and efficiency in your business. By tapping into various modes, you can take advantage of cost-effective routes and reduce overall shipping expenses.

Invest in Sustainable Practices

Many carriers now offer eco-friendly options that may come with cost incentives. Green shipping practices, such as carbon offset programs or efficient routing, can not only reduce your environmental impact but also lower shipping expenses. You can think of it as killing two birds with one stone!

Maximize Container Space

Efficient use of container space is essential. Ensure you utilize methods like stacking, blocking, and bracing to ensure cargo is secured and takes up as little space as possible. Over time, these techniques can lead to substantial savings in shipping costs and you won’t have to worry about damaged cargo on arrival.

Prioritize Preventative Maintenance

It would be wise to regularly maintain and service your shipping containers and vehicles. Well-maintained equipment is less likely to experience delays due to breakdowns, which can incur additional fees and impact your shipping schedule. Don’t wait till you hit a snag to fix something you could have prevented.

Monitor and Optimize Shipping Routes

The route you choose will drastically affect the shipping charges you incur. Therefore, ensure you carefully analyze your shipping routes periodically to identify any inefficiencies. Adjusting routes based on real-time traffic data, weather conditions, and other variables can help minimize transit time and associated costs.

Wrapping up

In a world where supply chains stretch across continents and oceans, securing the best freight shipping rates is paramount for businesses aiming to thrive. Implementing these tips and hacks can help you navigate the complex landscape of freight shipping, ensuring that you not only save on costs but also maintain the reliability and efficiency necessary for sustained success.