Steamboat People

Pilot At The Wheel

My chief was presently hired to go on a big New Orleans boat, and I packed my satchel and went with him. She was a grand affair. When I stood in her pilot-house I was so far above the water that I seemed perched on a mountain; and her decks stretched so far away, fore and aft, below me. . . the pilot house was a sumptuous glass temple; room enough to have a dance in; showy red and gold window-curtains; an imposing sofa; leather cushions and a back to the high bench where visiting pilots sit, to spin yarns and ‘look at the river;’ bright, fanciful ‘cuspidors’ instead of a broad wooden box filled with sawdust; nice new oil-cloth on the floor; a hospitable big stove for winter; a wheel as high as my head, costly with inlaid work; a wire tiller rope; bright brass knobs for the bells; and a tidy, white aproned, black ‘texas-tender,’ to bring up tarts and ices and coffee during mid-watch, day and night.
Credit:~ Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi.

CARNEAL GOLDMAN Engineers ~ 1885

Three Engineers and perhaps a “Stoker” pause for this rare engine-room photograph in the Carneal Goldman, in 1885.

CARNEAL GOLDMAN Officers ~ 1885

Several un-named Officers of the Carneal Goldman.


Deckhands resting. Steamboat and date unknown.


Diners and crew pause for this rare photograph in the cabin of the Crescent City, circa 1900.

In the Pilot-House

A Pilot at the wheel. Steamboat and date unknown


Deckhands and perhaps a Mate standing by the “stage” on the Lula Prince. Date unknown.

Looking out of the Pilot-House

The starboard windows are open and the Pilot is looking out, perhaps speaking with someone forward.